When interest rates are low, it’s time to bargain hunt for cheaper car loans. Auto loan rates are at a two-year low. At the end of April, a 60-month loan on a new car could be negotiated in the 4.3% range, down from 4.6 percent two years ago. By refinancing with a new car title loan financing company, which then pays off your old loan, you could save money on your monthly car payment.…
An auto loan can certainly make affording a new or used car much easier on your wallet. When applying for any type of financing, though, it’s important to educate yourself on your loan options before submitting any applications. From there, you’ll be able to select the type of financing that best suits your needs and buy your next car with confidence.
With that in mind, there are three things worth checking off your list before you apply for an auto loan.…
If you’ve ever looked for banking resources, you’ve probably noticed that many of them are oriented towards “small” business with hundreds of employees and revenue that might make your head spin. While this advice may be mostly applicable to companies of any size, very small businesses face a variety of unique challenges. If you are your business’s only employee, or you only employ a few people, then many of your day-to-day challenges will be much different from those faced by larger companies.…