If you have a high interest rate on your home and would like to refinance the loan to get a lower rate, you may run into a problem if there is a lien on the house. Having a lien on your house will not necessarily stop you from refinancing it, but you will almost always have to pay the lien off before you can complete the home refinancing. Here are three things to know about liens.…
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Buying a home is one of the largest purchases many people make in their life. It can be a costly and time consuming decision, but it can also be a dream come true for some people. Purchasing a house requires multiple steps. Each step has a different timeline including finding the right house, comparing loans, choosing a bank, and signing the documents. For a new home buyer, it can take even longer since they do not have previous experience handling a mortgage loan.…
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If you are interested in purchasing your first home, it is a good idea to get preapproval for the loan before you start looking for the perfect home for you. Getting preapproval for the loan will allow you to know exactly how much money a lender will allow you to borrow for the loan. The guide below walks you through a few key things you need to know about applying for preapproval for a home loan.…
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