When you start searching for mortgage lenders, there may be some lenders that expect you to pay “origination points” or “discount points.” These points both serve a purpose in the mortgage universe, and it is up to you to decide if you want to pay for “points.” Here is how these two different mortgage points systems affect your loan and your borrowing power.
Origination Points
These “points” are prepaid to the servicer of your mortgage.…
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Personal loan rates can vary from lender to lender. No matter the advertised rate, you will likely receive a different rate based on several factors. Understanding a little about the interest rates can help you make an informed decision when choosing a personal loan. Here is what you should know about personal loan rates.
1. Personal Loans Don’t Require Collateral
A personal loan doesn’t require you to give anything up as collateral for the loan.…
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Home improvement projects may leave your home in temporary chaos and disarray, but the process of obtaining a home improvement loan shouldn’t. Since borrowing money means becoming a customer of a lender, you want the entire process to be in your best interest from start to finish. The following factors should be prime influences in helping you determine who your home improvement loan should be with.
The Strictness Of Your Eligibility…
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